Pine View Farms butcher shop is now closed.


6 large Tortillas

1 package Pine View Farms ground be

1 head Cauliflower

½ large onion

2 garlic cloves

2 tomatoes

1 cup corn

Fresh herbs (oregano, parsley, cilantro, etc)

Taco seasoning

Salt + Pepper

Nutritional Yeast (or cheese)

Fresh greens

Oil of choice


  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. In a large pan heat a splash of oil. Once oil is hot add diced onions and garlic. Once onion is translucent, add ground beef, taco seasoning, salt and pepper.
  3. Rinse cauliflower and in a food processor (or with a cheese grater) process into rice like texture. Add cauliflower to a medium pan with a splash of oil and sauté till lightly browned.
  4. While the beef and cauli rice are cooking, cut the tortilla into a square (saving the trimmings for chips), and cut the square into 4 smaller squares. (You will have 24 small square tortillas)
  5. Laying 2 small tortillas on top of one another (looks like a star) press into a pre-greased muffin tray. Continue until all muffin cups are full.
  6. Add 2 tbsp ground beef into each cup, top with 1-2 tbsp Cauli rice, then diced tomato, corn, and whatever other toppings you would like!