Pine View Farms butcher shop is now closed.


1 bag Pine View Farms beef bones

3 carrots 

3 sticks celery

1 onion whole

2 bay leaves

1 tsp salt

10 peppercorns 



  1. Optional: Preheat oven to 375F and roast bones in a roaster, uncovered for 30-45 minutes to brown them nicely. This gives a darker coloured broth.
  2. Put your beef bones in a stock pot along with vegetables and spices and cover with water.
  3. Simmer for 2 and up to 8 hours. Remove from heat and remove bones and vegetables when cool enough to handle. Remove any meat from the bones and save to add to soup if you like. Pour broth through strainer into another pot to remove solids. Salt broth to taste.
  4. Use the beef broth in your favourite soup recipes or save for other uses like risotto, gravy etc. 

Pressure Pot Method:

  1. Combine all ingredients in your pressure pot. Cover with water.
  2. Press the "soup" button on your pot OR set pressure cook time to 1 hour.
  3. Let pressure go down naturally at the end.
  4. Strain solids out of broth, season to taste and use in your favourite recipes.