Pine View Farms butcher shop is now closed.

The #1 Question We've Been Asked in the Last Six Weeks Is . . .


"Where should we buy our meat now that you're closing?"

To be honest, we really can't make specific recommendations because we've only eaten our meat for 26+ years!🙂

 Having said that, we can share our insider's perspective on the meat business and three key questions to ask when looking for a new local meat supplier online, at farmer's markets or asking your friends for recommendations.

  1. Can you visit the farm and see how they do things and talk to the farmer and/or butcher i.e. where the animals are raised, what the butcher shop looks like? You might never actually go to the farm, but the fact that you can go, means the purveyor is being transparent about how they farm and process meat. Plus a trip to the country will do you good. We believe you should get to know your farmer / butcher and where your food is coming from.
  2. Does the farmer / butcher follow basic food processing and safety principles? It is not an onerous task to put proper labels on meat that include the product name, ingredients, allergens and nutrition facts tables as required. Although not required by law if a farmer is selling from his/her farm directly, proper labelling is required when selling to stores and into distribution. Details matter. We believe you deserve to know what's in your food.
  3. What certifications for food safety, meat inspection, animal welfare, and/or environmental stewardship does the farmer and/or butcher have? You want to know that your butcher is trained in the humane treatment of animals, safe handling of meat, cleaning procedures and proper disposal of byproduct. You want to know that they track production by lot number or production date for traceability purposes. While some might argue that a certification is just a piece of paper, it demonstrates that the farmer / butcher invests in continuous improvement in their business and that they're up to date on best practices. We believe you should feel confident in how your meat is made.

There are many good people raising animals and making meat in Saskatchewan. Each one may be slightly different depending on their farming practices, size, and proximity to market.

Remember, all the stores that carried Pine View Farms' meats are now curating new meat vendors and you can always go to them for local meat too.

When we started our farm 26 years ago, long before "locavore" was lingo, our goal was to build a sustainable farm that fed our local community with meat that was raised right and meticulously cut. We accomplished that and hopefully paved the way for more to follow.

 We remain staunch supporters of shopping locally and hope you will too!

 P.S. If you have any questions, please drop us a line or call us at 306.239.4763.


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