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When Kevin and I moved to this farm 25 years ago in 1998, I was 9 months pregnant and we had stars in our eyes.

We barely got our boxes unpacked and I went into labour. Our first son was born mere weeks after signing the mortgage.❤️

While I was in hospital, our lawyer called Kevin at the farm and said, "I need a name for your business to finish the papers and I need it fast!". Kevin looked around the yard, puzzled for a moment and replied "Pine View Farms shall be the name!" --- because he saw "pine" trees along the driveway (see photo above) and Pine Point Service was just down the road at the time. "Wouldn't that be an easy way for customers to find us?", Kevin thought.

Seemed logical, I suppose.

When Kevin came to the hospital that day and told me what had transpired, I was flabbergasted. You did what? Without me?

But then, I had to laugh. (Actually, I was too exhausted to care at that point.)

The "pine" trees he saw when looking down the driveway were actually spruce trees.

And hey, it wasn't the worst name, really.

So now you know the story.

There was no branding genius in our business name. In fact, pretty much everything about starting this farm was on a wing and a prayer. We had big dreams and big love --- and that's about it!

Years later, we talked about renaming the farm and rebranding our meat, but we never did. We planted rows of pine trees to validate ourselves. 😂

Thankfully, over the past 25 years, the trees have grown, as did our farm, and our family.

What crazy start-up story do you have to share? We'd love to hear from you.

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